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IT solutions and consulting in finding hidden correlations, relevant search, IT fraud detection, customer profiling and real-time business analytics.

Analytics funnel

Tellus Analytics Platform

Tellus Analytics Platform (TAP) is designed to handle virtually unlimited amounts of data across various sources, such as corporate databases, MS Office and other document types, images, sound, unstructured Internet data, application logs, and sensor data.


The purpose of the platform is to discover hidden correlations, search through various types of data in real-time, and apply diagnostic and predictive analytic methods to specific problems.

The platform implements advanced technologies, such as distributed computing, horizontal architecture, fast search indices, and graph databases.

Platform Usage

Tellus Analytics Platform is suitable for a range of business cases, whether it be customer, application, or infrastructure data.

Client Profilin

Client Profiling

Understanding of the client and his network is the first step in developing a competitive service and client relationship. To build a holistic view of the client, we are integrating data from various sources and finding relationships between them.

Targeted Sales and Marketing

Targeted Sales and Marketing

Tellus Analytics Platform enables users to find products and services that can be offered to the client based on his interests and needs, target him with relevant marketing materials, and find what he thinks about the brand.

Corporate Database And Document Search

Corporate Database and Document Search

Platform enables users to perform real-time search operations in corporate databases with support for over 100 types of documents. Security sensitive organizations will benefit from the built-in security model for security-sensitive documents and data.

IT Operations Monitoring

IT Operations Monitoring

To enable efficient IT operations, the platform can be used for collecting, indexing, and correlating data from sensors, business application logs, websites, and other parts of the IT infrastructure.

Prediction Of Service Cancellation

Prediction of Service Cancellation

By analyzing internal and public data, we can predict service cancelation and improve customer retention.

Fraud Detection

Fraud Detection

Platform is used to find hidden relationships between objects to detect and prevent IT frauds.

Platform Features

Tellus Analytics Platform offers a variety of advanced analytics and search options that help businesses improve their capabilities.

Geographic Data Distribution

Geographic Data Distribution

The data that is being analyzed, as well as elements of the Tellus platform, can be held in multiple geographic locations.

Capacity Scaling

Capacity Scaling

Platform is simple to scale up by increasing processing power and storage capacity.

Relevantno pretraživanje

Relevant Search

Visual search tools enable users to search through over 100 types of documents within a virtually unlimited amount of data. Results are sorted by relevance with the implementation of role-based security mechanisms.

Data Correlation

Data Correlation

Data is correlated with the intention of fraud detection, generating recommendations, finding the root causes of events, and improving business processes.

Analitički moduli

Analytical Modules

Platform uses prediction modules based on Google and other open source solutions to predict events and the causes of users' actions.

Obogaćivanje drugih sustava

Enrichment of Other Systems

Information from the Tellus platform is easily integrated into existing or new applications such as CRM, campaign management, customer support, etc.

Tellus Analytics Platform is based on open source technologies:

Apache Spark
Janus Graph


The list of users from various industries proves the analytical capabilities of the platform and a wide range of integration options for a variety of business cases.

A1 VIPNET d.d.

A1 (VIPNET d.o.o.)




Automation and Robotics

Bureau Veritas

Bureau Veritas

Control and Certification




Geokon d.d.

Geokon d.d.

Geotechnics and Hydrotechnics

Mars Hrvatska i Slovenija

Mars Croatia and Slovenia

Food Production

Financira Europska unija NextGenerationEU
Financira Europska unija NextGenerationEU
Prijavitelj Tellus d.o.o.
Kod projekta NPOO.C1.1.2.R3-I2.01-V4.0006
Naziv projekta Kibernetička otpornost TELLUS
Ukupna vrijednost projekta 14.000,00 € + PDV
Potpore male vrijednosti - de minimis 8.400,00 €
Rok za provedbu 12 mjeseci, odnosno od 20.10.2023. do 20.10.2025. godine

About Us

Tellus d.o.o. is a privately-owned software development and IT consulting company founded in 2003.


Tellus d.o.o. for software development and consulting
VAT-ID: 36773224047


Cernička 11, 10000 Zagreb, HR


Planinska 13a, 10000 Zagreb, HR